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 no judgement | just practical help >


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I’m KC Davis. This is no-judgement, practical help—for all of life’s struggles. Let’s break down the problem, find new perspectives, and make it a little easier to manage. Even when things are hard, you still deserve joy—at home, in relationships, in life . Meet KC >




This site is for the self-help rejects.

There are lots of reasons why everyday life—taking care of ourselves, our relationships, even simply daily tasks—can be harder for some of us. Perhaps you struggle with mental health, chronic illness, or neurodivergence. Maybe you are in a season of grief, or have small children, or are a caregiver to someone aging or ill.

Or you struggle with how to “be” in a healthy relationship, or what that even looks or feels like. Whatever your struggle, the hardest part is often the shame that we should have it all figured out already.

Struggle Care is about learning how to care for ourselves—and being kind to yourself—whatever your struggle.



How to Keep House While Drowning

Who Deserves Your Love


"It's not about getting to
the surface. It's realizing
you can breathe underwater.
I can show you how."

– How to Keep House While Drowning | KC Davis, LPC




Follow Me


My main social channel is Tiktok. I post practical tips, nonjudgmental advice, and some funny trend videos to make you laugh.

I post to Instagram 3-4 times a week. I re-post some of my tiktok videos but mainly focus on text tiles and pictures with similar messaging as my tiktok.

My amazon creator profile is where I do livestreams and recommend products through my storefront. Upcoming livestreams are listed in my events page on this website.

We all have that one aunt that still uses only facebook—and why should she be excluded from amazing struggle care content? My facebook page typically mimics my instagram content.

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